About Us

Disability Rights Mississippi (DRMS) is a private, nonprofit with a federal mandate to serve as the protection and advocacy (P&A) agency for people with disabilities in Mississippi. The mission of Disability Rights Mississippi is to promote, protect and advocate for the rights of all people with disabilities, and to assist them with full inclusion in home, community, education and employment.

Why are we focused on voting rights?

One of DRMS’s programs is The Protection and Advocacy for Voting Access Program (PAVA). This grant is funded under the Help America Vote Act (HAVA). HAVA mandated that persons with disabilities be given access to the polls and have secret ballots. P&As were provided additional funding to ensure that the rights of voters with disabilities are protected.

How can I learn more about Disability Rights Mississippi?

Visit our main webpage at www.drms.ms.

Our mission is to ensure Mississippians with disabilities are fully included in their communities and to protect their rights, including voting rights!