As you get ready for Election Day, plan your vote, and learn your rights, be sure to explore these resources to prepare.

“Y’all Vote” by the Mississippi Secretary of State

Check your voter registration status, locate your polling place, view a sample ballot, and track your absentee/affidavit ballot. You can also learn more about Voter ID and other Mississippi voting information.

“Your Vote Counts: A Self-Advocates Guide to Voting” Toolkit from ASAN

The Autistic Self Advocacy Network’s toolkit is full of great information for voters with disabilities. It answers questions like “What is voting?”, “Why should I vote?”, and “How can I get a disability accommodation when I vote?” and has an easy read and plain language version of the toolkit.

Resources from the United States Assistance Election Commission

Learn more about where disability voting rights are protected under the law and access resources for voters and poll workers.